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About Me

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... Best not to ask...

Hi! I’m Amber, a student of Exercise & Health Science at Aberdeen University. Captain Sport Nerd. One of my biggest motivators for taking this course is my interest in nutrition, especially for (though not limited to) exercise. Ohmygosh, I could talk forever about how much I love food. The effect of what we eat on our mind and body is incredible, and I love spending my time finding out about this and putting it into practice through what I make. I want to share all of this with all of you, making it easier to eat what makes you feel good even when life gets hectic.


Because ‘health food’ has become a bit of a debatable topic, right? I’m not a fan of the phrase; healthy food is different for everyone. Some are looking for high protein, some for low/no sugar, some for nutrient density, some for high fibre… Oh, and it needs to actually not taste like a sand castle. Health is mental as much as it is physical, and if we cut out everything that makes us happy for the sake of summer abs, we've failed. 90 year old you is not going to look back and smile upon those memories of tracking every calorie you ate during that one summer in 2005 because at least THREE people said you looked good on that beach holiday. So, there's a balance to be found.


I don’t need to tell you that we need to reduce our impact on the environment, and a great way to do this is to reduce the amount of plastic packaging that we go through. I also know that this is really difficult when you’re short on time or just aren’t a fan of baking/cooking. As much as possible, I use compostable or recyclable packaging. I offer zero-waste options wherever I can, too. I research my ingredients to make sure that they’re as ethically sourced as I can manage, and I’m vegan by the way - so all my food will be, too.


I make homemade food to help you with your pre/post-workout fueling, mid-day snacking, meal-prepping and general munching. Some will be high protein, some will have unexpected veggies, some will simply be more nutrient dense than the average supermarket version. It’ll be made with ingredients that I would happily eat on a daily basis. I’ll appear at upcoming local food markets (stay tuned!) and I’ll happily make batches to order if you have any special requests or requirements.


It won’t taste like sand castle - honest.

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